27th November '91
(Today, Swami was telling some of the boys to go home for vacation.)
Swami: I have that knack with me.No one has that much of it as I do. What can I do? To cut butter, you use your finger; to break iron, you use a hammer. Similarly, to cure you of your crack, I use my knack!
So many boys are going home for vacations. You all go as "street lamps" and come back as "street dogs". If you are not good even after being with Swami, that bad vibrations will pass on to your family, as I am also only a fraction of that vibrations. If you go before a mirror and do Namaskar, your reflection will also do the same. If you wag your finger threateningly, the reflection in the mirror will also do the same. You must be like the incense stick which when lit, spreads good fragrance all around it.
The diamond is a very precious jewel. You hence hide it inside an iron safe and keep it under strict watch. The diamond is not easily available in the market and hence attracts everyone's attention. Its presence is kept as secret as possible. It is not like the ('santhapakodalu') cheap savouries sold in the market that are made with dirty oil, maida and utensils, in a dirty atmosphere. You are not realising the value of diamond and are hankering after the worldly benefits that are as dirty and attractive as the santhapakodalu. Many of you also think that you can get away with part time devotion. You are all under that illusion. If you have part time devotion, God also gives only part time payment. Your devotion to God must be purely, heart to heart. But our boys are turning into very good actors. Part time devotion is like this. If you say 'Hello God!' God also will say 'Hello!' If you say 'Good bye God' God will also say 'Good Bye'. God will only reciprocate what your feelings are.
You are all getting small containers and asking for such a large quantity from me. How can I then give it? Swami never wants to waste his Love and grace. I want taste, not waste. But first, I test. You cannot straight away perform the operation without first performing some tests. Similarly, I first test your progress. I then give you the taste of my Love and grace. Once you have tasted it, you can rest. TEST-to TASTE-to REST- that is the method I always follow. REST IS BEST.
1 comment:
Lovely & holy blog.. :) I am sure to book mark this and keep coming often.
Admire your efforts in spreading Swami's word & love.
Keep up God's work!
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